A recap of the past day: 23andme has stopped including the health reports section of the test because apparently people are not smart enough to understand the results as presented: High, Low, and Typical risk category. The FDA is…
Government & Technology
More thinking on this subject. Over on The Economist website someone wrote in that United Healthcare is behind the FDA’s attack on 23andme. Apparently they have a long history of complaints about 23. And they have friends at the…
People have a right to all information about their bodies and health. Real stats, genetics, risks, things that can be done that don’t require paying someone in a white coat to do. It belongs to us. “They” can medicalize…
We like big data here. We apply metrics and massage it for messages. Here’s some big data of an unsettling sort. I visited El Palo Alto the other day. It’s 1073 years old. That’s an impressive number. Kind of…
The Military and Theranos: Call it Blood Money?
The Board of Palo Alto start up Theranos is military. …
Yesterday I found out the CIA hangs around in unmarked cars by Philz Coffee in downtown Palo Alto. Philz is on the same block as Palantir on the Alma Street side. See my post on Palantir, the CIA funded start…
I said it before: Big money follows big data follows big disruption. The Silicon Valley Business Journal recently wrote about Sequoia Capital Investor Michael Moritz arguing the position that collectively we are creating a massive data factory by our willingness…
I have to forget the Palo Alto I knew and raised the kids in from the kindergarten on (Addison, Escondido, Jordan, Palo Alto High – oh yes and a year for one of the three at Fairmeadow Elementary). Moving…
Theranos is disrupting technology at its best. Almost. Theranos the company is a great idea that will make life easier, less expensive, and put power in the hands of people. Almost. Explanation: Theranos is changing the way blood testing…
Palantir, The CIA and Me. (Wikileaks, This is so not interesting)
On Friday August 16th, 2013 if you worked for Palantir in Palo Alto you had duck for dinner and pork chops and a cheese and charcuterie platter.…