PROSTITUTION AS A CAREER? Your daughter? Sister? Oh, not ok for them? This post has a humane and good for girls agenda and if you absolutely will be bored, do me a favor and read it anyway. For a female…
Disrupting is the buzz word for game changing tech and Google is disrupting aging. I haven’t heard it used in association with aging before but go ahead Google, disrupt away. It’s pretty darn awesome to disrupt aging but what does this…
Apple, You Own Me Too – Or How I utterly failed to go Android Guest post by Travis Dirks, PhD A window into one of us here who is not a full fledged member of the Apple ecosystem. We’ve…
2019 Update: 5 years later and “more true” than when originally written if that can be correctly said. Add Facebook, add Apple watch, AR/VR , gene edited babies and we see we are owned not just by Google but…
You know what I’m talking about. Your intrusive over the top new ad policy. REALLY??? You want to put people’s names and pics in ads without their permission? People of common sense, if you want out of this, do…
I have to forget the Palo Alto I knew and raised the kids in from the kindergarten on (Addison, Escondido, Jordan, Palo Alto High – oh yes and a year for one of the three at Fairmeadow Elementary). Moving…
Last night I was at a MeetUp at Nissan Research Center in Sunnyvale to hear Google’s Project Manager for the Driverless Car give a talk. Anthony Levandowski had much to say and I was probably the most educated from what…
Big money follows big data follows big disruption. Questions, Google, I got questions about Calico, the new division dedicated to anti-aging and headed by Art Levinson, Chairman at both Genentech and Apple. How will Calico interface with 23andme? with…
I got used to having you there. Twice I went in to talk. You were nice and quite helpful to one of your early adopters. Bon voyage and hope you like the new mothership. Hamilton is not the same…