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homebrew computer club


Homebrew Computer Club Reunion, more!

Homebrew Computer Reunion – more pics and a few words. Watch Steve Wozniak on the video and be sure and see the first post on the reunion, Homebrew Computer. Hilda Sendyk and Daniel Kottke Monday night at the Computer History…

Silicon Valley and Your Grandparents

The Palo Alto Daily Post reports that the incredible Roth building on Homer Ave. that formerly housed The Palo Alto Medical Foundation (prior to its  incarnation in a building that looks like a minimum security prison), is finally coming…

Computer History Museum, Silicon Valley

Homebrew Computer Club Reunion, 2013

A big and great reunion is in the works from the founders, great and small, known and unknown, of the computer industry. November 11, 2013 is the next Homebrew Computer Club Reunion at the Computer History Museum in Mountain…