Homebrew Computer Reunion – more pics and a few words. Watch Steve Wozniak on the video and be sure and see the first post on the reunion, Homebrew Computer.
Hilda Sendyk and Daniel Kottke
Monday night at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, with the commingling of people like Bob Marsh and those from Vlab.org was magical. The story of the current tech boom was born in the love of revolution that Steve Wozniak talked about. And he gives us a few thoughts on why he thought Homebrew wouldn’t want him:

Hilda Sendyk, without whom there would have been no 38th Homebrew Reunion.
Glass and I. I recorded the past and found the future. Ok glass, take a picture, record tomorrow, and google my possibilities. Homebrew was where you were conceived. 23andme can find it in your DNA.
Before Sheryl Sandberg there was Juana Briones - The Silicon Valley Story
February 23, 2014 at 1:34 am[…] Here is a guest post on this awesome woman, from another amazing local woman, a pioneer herself in tech. This is from Hilda Sendyk, M.S., a Silicon Valley Learning & Development and Workforce Professional who also multi-tasks by providing information and insights into the history of early California. You can find more about Hilda on the Homebrew Computing Pages. […]
Why I Won’t Use Theranos – The Silicon Valley Story
March 27, 2019 at 1:52 pm[…] And she was more radical than I expected in being determined to see that we do not need a middleman to order tests for us. THANK YOU ELIZABETH for that! And for getting a bill passed that lets the lucky citizens of Arizona get tested without begging a middleman or paying a middleman. No Rx needed in Arizona. You are free to know your Vitamin D level! Cancer markers, iron and thyroid! Blood tests for the people! This is similar to the PC revolution when pioneers took it out of the hands of government and academia. (Thank you Homebrew Computer Club, People’s Computer Company and all who participated in making that happen, Homebrew Reunion, 2014) […]